About Rest From The Storm
This website is a place where I share important thoughts and inspirations about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My hope is that these messages will uplift and inspire others. I love the Gospel and the joy it brings, and I want to share it with others. I often struggle to share these ideas in conversations with others, so this website serves as a place for me to express and refine them thoughtfully. This helps me learn and teach the most correct principles possible.

I had ChatGPT create this logo to symbolize light peeking out from between the dark clouds of life.
Our lives are filled with painful and difficult experiences, and we often forget why we are going through them. This website, like many others, exists to help us find inspiration and remember our purpose and mission.
Jesus Christ is always there for us, guiding us, teaching us, and carrying us when we just can't keep walking. He is the light and the life of the world; he has told us to take his yoke upon him and learn of him, because his yoke is easy, and his burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).
This is not to say that our lives won't be difficult or painful; in fact He often says the opposite. 2 Nephi teaches us that opposition is necessary for us to choose eternal life and live with God again (2 Nephi 2:11, 23, and 27 especially). Instead of preventing the pain, the scriptures teach that Christ will help you bear it. After Alma the Elder and the righteous Nephites left the land of King Noah, they were discovered by the evil priests of Noah and forced into slavery. The Nephites were righteous and faithful though, and prayed to God for help. Their response was an easing of their burdens and comfort from the Lord who very soon freed them from their bondage (Mosiah 24:13-16).
I hope that while reading this, you find comfort and strength in Jesus Christ. I want this website to be a place where you can learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His infinite love for you. I hope to find this website useful to myself as well, as a way to grow my own testimony of the Gospel and faithfully study the gospel.
Who Am I?
My name is Matthew Brown. I'm a software developer and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which teaches the living Gospel of Jesus Christ and holds the keys to His priesthood on this earth. I believe in His Atonement which allows us to be cleansed of our sins, learn to find joy in life, and ultimately live with God again. I have loved this gospel for all 17 years of my life, and I hope to share it with others as a full-time missionary. I recently turned in my mission papers and am eagerly awaiting my call.
Learn more of Him